Everything About Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) For Depression

Everything About Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) For Depression

Depression is not only dealt with using medications and therapy sessions. There are also patients who undergo non-invasive procedures like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS. Those who have tried TMS can attest to its efficacy. So if you are interested to learn more about this treatment alternative, then you have come to the right place.

Introduction to TMS

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS or rTMS) is a non-invasive treatment. It utilizes magnetic fields that can stimulate the brains’ nerve cells. TMS is proven and tested to help improve the symptoms of depression. Those who seek to have rTMS done are the ones who have tried other depression treatments but haven’t been really successful. Depression is a condition that is treatable. But there are others who do not respond well to the standard treatments. So they are looking for other alternatives that might work for them. And TMS is known to be a good treatment option.

Understanding How TMS Works


An electromagnetic coil is placed on the scalp just near the forehead during a TMS session. This is a painless process where the electromagnet delivers a magnetic pulse. This stimulates the cells in the brain that are responsible for controlling your mood and depression. The stimulation can affect how the brain is working. It is believed that when this certain area of the brain is activated, it will help reduce depression symptoms and improve your mood.

Preparing for TMS or rTMS

So how do you prepare one for a TMS session? Before the first appointment, physical and psychiatric evaluations are done. Physical exams may include laboratory tests. The psychiatric evaluations on the other hand are done to discuss the patients’ condition. With these examinations, the results can help make sure that this treatment process is safe for you.

It is crucial that you are transparent with your doctor especially when it comes to your medical history or if you are taking any medications at the moment. You should also discuss your common complaints like headaches. Also, if you have had rTMS in the past and elsewhere, your doctor should know about it too.

Though it may take a few weeks to notice any improvement, you will know if TMS works for you. Expect your depression symptoms to improve or better yet, completely go away. TMS is expected to help more individuals dealing with depression as long as the number of treatment recommendations is followed.

RTMS At NeuroCare

Do you know someone who is struggling with depression? If yes and all types of medications and treatments have failed, then this is the best time to consider Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. NeuroCare offers Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation plus psychotherapy because they believe that with this treatment alternative, patients have higher chances of achieving remission from depression. NeuroCare offers various programs depending on what is needed by the patient.

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