How does excess calcium affects our body

How does excess calcium affects our body

The advisable range of calcium in our body is it should be below the level of 300, if the calcium score exceeds this level it causes a lot of disturbances in our body such as depositing the excess calcium within the arteries which is very harmful and sometimes it causes heart attacks. in order to prevent this happening you should monitor your calcium levels regularly, if you want to get your calcium score done under an expert then you must check the calcium score screening in Wayne, NJ where they provide you with accurate results and this calcium score is very important and it is a noninvasive technique in order to measure amount of carrots in the blood in coronary arteries. If you get this test done you’ll get the calcium score there by you will get to know whether the calcium score is in normal range or above so that you can regulate your calcium score.

How to regulate calcium score and what are the effects if not in normal range

 Calcium plays a vital role in our body for the healthy maintenance of bone but if the level exists it is also dangerous as it causes very harmful effects especially the susceptible organ in our body in case of excess calcium is coronary arteries.

 In order to prevent this happening you should always take a balanced diet which is rich in all the essential nutrients and also you should have regular exercise so that calcium or cholesterol will be prevented from depositing within the arteries

If the sodium levels increase then also it is harmful because it causes hypertension because of hypertension the walls of coronary arteries become much weakened and then it is also an added factor for the deposition of calcium within the coronary arteries.

 In order to prevent this happening then you should monitor your calcium levels by getting the test done, if you are looking for the same then visit the platform calcium score in wayne, NJ who will help you to get the procedure done and also if you have hereditary of heart problems then it acts as a preventative measure by monitoring your calcium score regularly.

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