Youngster in a hurry!

Thinking of the youngsters of today, we can come to know that they are all in a hurry to achieve what their elders have not in the past or even in their entire lives. Many such young people can be listed who have taken the technological world by a storm and one such is the young and innovative vignesh and he has been linked to certain weak handling of bitcoins thorugh his own enterprise called as the and has come to be known as the vignesh sundaresan scam where the investors had to wait for a very long period of time in order to be paid back their investment in bitcoins.

Mixed reactions:

The investors in his company which deals in bitcoins had to wait for days together in order to be paid back and many had the opportunity to get them back only after a long struggle. As happens with any new idea in the market and in business, the bitcoin also had to go through the rough patches and o did the investors who trusted the company.

Persistence paid!

Many of them were clearly happy and satisfied with the return of their bitcoins and many were cross due to the long time that they had to wait until they could get back their investment from the company headed by the entrepreneur. Those who stood their ground regained from the vignesh sundaresan scam what they had invested.

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